Guess How Much of the LinkedIn App is in HTML5 - IAdea

Is HTML5 ready for building first-in-class user experience? LinkedIn believes so.

The article on VentureBeat describes the LinkedIn iOS app as having 95% of its UI made with HTML5.

only one screen in the entire LinkedIn iPad app is actually native. The rest is good ol’ HTML5-based mobile web technology.

Kiran Prasad, who heads up LinkedIn’s mobile development team, gives the following advice:

And a lot of that performance […] came from removing unnecessary design wankery (our verbiage, not his) — the rounded corners, the omnipresent gradients. By making things simple, clean, modern, flat, and even print magazine-like, the LinkedIn app only got faster and better on the performance side, as well.

HTML5 content can be this beautiful.

So for those who still have doubts as to what HTML5 can do, we hope this convinces you to dive in.

Check out IAdea’s line of HTML5-enabled digital signage media appliances and web signboards.

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