What more than "Cut the Rope" to show HTML5 is ready - IAdea

Microsoft, playing catch-up in the HTML5 browser war, just launched the HTML5 version of the Cut the Rope game for the Internet Explorer (it actually runs on Chrome, Safari, and Firefox too) at CES 2012 today.

With its reported 1.6 million of daily online users, Cut the Rope is easily one of the most popular games on mobile devices.

To give Microsoft its due credit, this is the first popular game that is written purely (see comment after the article. -Ed) in HTML5. Google launched “the” other popular game Angry Birds on its Chrome browser back in May 2011. It required the Flash plug-in from Adobe to run.

What more proof does the digital signage market need to see that HTML5 can do just about anything for this industry?

Unfortunately, right now the game specifically forbids access from anything other than the four browsers named above (many custom HTML5 browsers we tested on Linux are specifically forbidden to play the game). We are contacting the maker of the game to see if we can obtain the game available for evaluation purpose on IAdea players soon.

Read about where to buy IAdea’s HTML5-enabled products, or contact us for further details.

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